truth sets you free

Sarah's Story
Single-Handed but not alone. Read about how Sarah overcame her insecurities and learned to walk in a new truth of who she is.
Check out our latest blogs! Be encouraged, be inspired.
What is truth told?
In the words of Jesus, ‘truth sets you free.’ Not just telling the truth as the opposite of telling lies, but the ‘telling out’ of truth, whereby hearers are encouraged, uplifted and changed.
Truth is truth. It’s not ambiguous and vague, rather it is solid and wholesome. In every situation we know that ‘truth’ can change and transform the hearer.
Today more than ever before, we need truth and it’s our hope that Truth Told helps you to discover truth, freedom and life.
Meet Sarah, Founder and Speaker
I’m an ordinary girl, living an extraordinary life
I’m a wife, mother, speaker, leader and a hospital chaplain. I believe in living a life based on the truth of knowing who we are and whose we are. That truth gives you and I real meaning and purpose to our lives.
I was born without my left hand, so I have led a single-handed life, but I know I have done this journey with God holding me close. What could be seen as disability has never resulted in the lack of ability for God to move in my life. From a young age, I have held onto the truth and understanding that I am loved and cherished by my Heavenly father, and that He has a plan for my life of prosperity and purpose.
In the late 90’s my husband, Glen and I spent two years working in Zambia at a Bible College and Agricultural Project, and continue to have a passion for Missions. Glen is now UK Development Manager for Harvesters Ministries, an International Missionary Organisation, having served as a Church Pastor for 20 years. I have loved seeing God’s hand on my life and it’s my hope that as I continue travelling, speaking and writing, that truth will be released into the lives of others, and they too will experience God’s hand at work too.
Psalm 139:13-16
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.”
a word of truth around covid-19
Check out our blogs written around Covid-19
Who’s Fault Is It?
Whose fault was it? Was it China’s fault? Was if the fault of someone working in a laboratory somewhere? Was it the government’s fault? Covid swept through the world and we might feel we need to know who is to blame and therefore who needs to take responsibility for it. That’s human nature.
‘Pearls for the Girls’
A special publication with my friend Melanie Chadwick, of a coffee table book of Bible-based thoughts and observations about all sorts of topics; mostly random everyday situations and common feelings that we hope you can relate to. We like to ask questions that will make you think, pause for a thought and consider.
This is a book of everyday wisdom for women of all ages and we hope that through sharing our stories and artwork we are able to inspire and encourage you in your life.
Melanie is a full-time freelance illustrator, designer, and self-confessed sketch-a-holic. She loves exploring and drawing and spending time outside in nature and by the sea. She graduated with a degree in Fine Art over 15 years ago and has worked on a variety of creative projects and commissions with clients based in the UK, USA, and further afield.
Her illustration work has been published on greeting cards, calendars, gift wrap as well as in recipe books and magazines. She lives on the Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall with her husband Tony, who leads a small Christian fellowship, and enjoys running art workshops and sketch walks around the area.