Sarah’s Story
Single-Handed but Not Alone
but not alone
It was a snowy Saturday morning in Neath, South Wales, UK when I made my arrival into the world. “You have a lovely little baby girl” the midwife said, and then broke the news that I was missing a left arm. In the days before ultrasound scanning, this announcement was a bombshell. All expectant mums hope for ten little fingers and ten little toes don’t they? Was it so wrong to hope that they would have a perfect baby?
On duty that morning was Nurse Morris, the wisest, kindest lady for the moment. She took me in her arms and prayed that everything would ‘turn around for good.’ This was a combination of what I now realise are two verses from the Bible – words of truth. The first from Genesis 50:20 with the story of Joseph ‘God intended it for good’, and in Romans 8:28 ‘that all things work together for good for those who love God and have been called for His purpose.’
Now as I reflect back on quite a few years of living, I can see those promises have come to pass.
Since becoming a Christian at twelve years of age in a Sunday School class, I made a decision to ‘believe the truth’ not just about the core things of my faith, but what God says about me. The voice of the inner critic of my childhood years and teens said I was ‘less than perfect’, ‘inadequate’, and ‘a misfit’; they were overridden by the voice of God who says quite the contrary – that ‘I’m fearfully and wonderfully made’,’ I’m the apple of His eye’, ‘I have a hope and a future’ and most importantly that ‘I am known and loved by Him’.
Those fears of not being accepted and loved were very real, and through the years it’s always been the ‘truth that has set me free’ and continues to do so.
I met Glen, my husband in Bible college after a time of soul searching and further freedom, and we have never looked back. Along the way, we have been blessed with four incredible children, and have also gained a wonderful son-in-law. Over the years, we have been in Church Leadership and involved with overseas mission, and have been privileged to have travelled extensively and experienced many blessings and met many people.
Truth still shapes my life. Truth is what I cling to when I have doubts. Truth is the bedrock of my life.
From the words of truth spoken over me when I was minutes old to this very day, nothing has shaped my life and its purpose more!